Sunday 6 October 2024

 Yet again three weeks! Muffin is fine now, thank goodness.  The conservatory has been empty for most of the last three week.  In the meantime, I just about finished the challenge of six months painting outside every day.  The weather just about beat me.  I think I missed eight days in total of the six months.  Some of the paintings were pretty bad I have to confess.  Should work harder next time.

It is Inktober now and I have been doing ink sketches, mainly inside!  Also I have been trying to work on the gouache while not able to paint in oils yet (because the conservatory is my oil art room).  Some have been ok, others..... well, not so good.

Oh my goodness, Google has changed how I move pictures.  Surprised this worked!  Above is a sample of some of the gouache studies I have done.  Definitely work in progress.

Painted with our Winter Plein Air group at Osborne on Friday.  I certainly bit off more than I can chew. Much too ambitious.  Should have thought about what I was doing.

Swimming has been off for a week, because the Leisure Centre are cleaning the pool! Good.

Weather has been up and down.  A bit too much rain, and now it's getting colder.

Definitely have to work on concentration.......which I will do......

Sunday 15 September 2024

 Three weeks and I haven't posted.  As regards the painting, it's all been a bit difficult.  Enthusiasm is at a minimum and I have found it difficult to concentrate for more than an hour at a time.  The  morning sketches have been turning out to be really rubbishy and the Tuesday painting has all been a bit of something and nothing.   I have painted at Bembridge and it was just ok and also at Osborne house, again just ok,  Must really start seriously thinking about what I am trying to do and achieve.  I have however bought  a couple of sketching bags from Just Go Sketching in the hope that I might get a bit more inspired.

We did have a weekend in Lymington but it didn't turn out to be that great as it was crowded and difficult to get about generally.  It was also for two days just too hot to do anything!

Muffin was very ill last Thursday and we had to take him to the animal hospital.  He is now recovering ably assisted by lots of medication.  That has also stopped us doing anything.

He has a follow up visit this Thursday. I'm sure all will be well.  Then the following week we have to clear everything out of the conservatory because we are having a new roof.  That should take about a week.  Following that we should, hopefully, be clear and aim to get in a bit of sailing before the weather causes severe problems, and hopefully I can get my head round painting!

Sunday 25 August 2024

 What a mess of a fortnight.  We finally got the awning for the boat.  It's ok.  Could have been better.  Anyway we decided to finally go for our hopefully week long sail.  But we had to first wait for the weather to settle.  We finally got away last Monday, took ages to fill the boat up as we had completely emptied it after our long holiday.  Got to Lymington on Monday and we had booked for two night.  Daniel and Beatrice came down on Tuesday and stayed with us for ages.  Had a really lovely time.  Everyone was very relaxed.  However Tuesday evening we had to make a decision because, surprise, surprise the weather was going to change again.  Wednesday morning we made the decision to leave bright and early.  Had a really good sail down to East Cowes.  Lunch on the boat, followed by a bit of messing about then emptying the boat!  Lucky we did come back because Thursday and Friday were awful.  It's now Sunday and we are preparing to go to Lymington again on Tuesday after my blood test.  The weather looks ok for the next few days, so fingers crossed.

I've broken my no buy rule for art.  Bought some paper, two sketch books and an art bag.  I don't like the sketching paper I'm on at the moment, so thank goodness only one more page to go.

Last group painting was at Ventnor.  Have now missed another two!

Sunday 11 August 2024

 A week of not  much! Didn't go painting on Tuesday because of rain and nothing was arranged for Friday.  We finally got the awning for the boat so now we just want a fairly decent day when we can go out sailing.  Managed to go swimming three times this week, maximum was 40 lengths.  

Have continued with my ten minute morning paint, but they are definitely a bit scrappy and rushed.  However, today I took more time and concentrated more.  It was better.

Henry and Muffin definitely do not like the hot weather and it is very difficult to take them out.

Going to Ventnor this Tuesday. 

Sunday 4 August 2024

 Well I should really have posted last week because I've ended up with quite a few bits and pieces.  Let's hope I manage to transfer the pictures ok.

The club painting was (two Tuesdays ago) at Carisbrooke.

Some people didn't want to part with their money to enter the castle, so inside there was only a relatively small group.

On the following Friday as the weather was going to be fine, I suggested to our winter group that we could paint at Osborne.  Mike agreed.  Nice walk down to the beach and I had about an hour on my own, which meant I had to concentrate! Just after 11.00 Mike and Pam turned up. It really was quite relaxing.

The following Tuesday the club met at Freshwater.  It was incredibly hot and although I managed to have a very paddle in the sea for a few minutes, I was concerned about overheating! Mike and I stayed for an hour and then went over the road for a coffee - in the shade! Above picture is all I could manage. 
People were swimming in the sea, but I think quite a few were going to get very sunburnt!

This last Friday as the good weather was going to continue, I suggested we have another session out, this time at Newtown.  Mike agreed. 

Doesn't it look absolutely lovely.  Mike had had a stresssful couple of days and unfortunately forgot to bring his paper for painting!  Not to worry, I had spare.

Here's my effort.

I also managed to do a gouache painting from the course I've been trying to follow.

There were two subjects, but I made a total mess of the other one.  I even tried doing it again, but still no success.

I've broken my rule of not buying any art materials.  I've finished another sketch book and had to order more.

Some of my paintings were in the Happy Foot shop in East Cowes, but it had to close for Covid, and the owner is not in a position to reopen.  It has taken me nearly a year to get my pictures back, and I finally got them yesterday!

I managed to swim three times last week. Some bits were better than others. I'm hoping to do three sessions this coming week.

Went to vet with Muffin and his heart murmur is slightly worse - hence why he's sleeping all the time.  Must keep an eye on him  The hot weather hasn't helped.

Perry was 79 yesterday.  Had a nice lunch, but didn't do anything extraorindary. He's gone cycling this morning, which as far as priorities is concerned, is pretty important.

Our awning for the boat still hasn't been finished! Starting to get a bit fed up about it.  We are hoping it will be finished this week.

Temperature is now dropping off a little, and that means we are back to normal.

Sunday 21 July 2024

 We have had a couple of really really hot days.  Trouble is because we are not used to it, it is very fatiguing.  Still no awning for the boat.  Perhaps next week, and then we can go off again for a little break.

I have been wrestling with oil paints and did three of hay bales.  Final one looked a bit better

Definitely an improvement on the other two.  But still work in progress.  Working on a scene from Fort Victoria now.  I managed the sky really well, but the rest was a total disaster.  Now on version two.

I'm up to 112 sketches outside.  However, some of them are a bit rubbishy.

Still swimming twice a week, although I do find it really hard.

Fracture clinic on Wednesday.  Either more steroid injection, operation or live with the pain. I chose the latter.  It's not so bad now.

I'll see what art I  can manage today.  I must admit I have little bursts and then do nothing. Not good.

Sunday 14 July 2024

 Again weather up and down.  I managed to go swimming twice last week.  The awning for the boat is still not finished and we are reluctant to go away again until it is finished.  Fingers crossed for next week.

I finished my 100 plein air challenge and I think I will continue until I have done six months (hopefully).  That will take me until the end of September.

I finished (finally) a watercolour painting.

I have just found out that inserting images has changed again! Oh well.  Anyway, I did manage to frame it as well.  Also I put together the framed pictures ready for our exhibition in September.

I'll see if I can manage to put this on my website.  Perhaps that'll be the challenge for today!

Back to the fracture clinic on Wednesday for yet another check on my wrist. The rest of the week will again just be messing about.