Thursday, 7 June 2012

End of May begining of June

Becherel-not my favourite place, and as it was incredibly dull and grey, I decided to just have fun painting.In the afternoon watched the Jubilee Thames Flotilla.  I even managed to get a prize - the Sennelier prize.  I am really chuffed got a paintbox with the new Sennelier paints which is worth more than £160.  How about that!

Chateaugiron - well we're now in June.  Rain held off at least until the afternoon.  Competition was really hot.  There were some fantastic paintings.  Screwed up the vegetation.

St Fiacre du Maine - decided to avoid buildings, so did the peaceful river. Nice ambience at this venue, but there were about 80 painters hidden around the place.
Piriac su Mer - Boy was it hot here.  Not the most exciting of  places - I didn't manage to get the narrowness of the street. However, when I'd finished we managed to have mussels and chips in the restaurant on the left.  Very nice.

Rochefort en Terre - well it was very hot the day before painting, and much milder for the actual painting day. I was the only one painting this view, but about 50 painters were facing me painting the opposite view!