Sunday, 11 November 2012

This is the last painting I did with Couleurs de Bretagne, because Perry had a fall and broke his elbow.  This meant that we had to return to England asap as we have no additional health insurance.  It has taken us up until now to post the pictures onto the blog.  He is now on the mend, but don't think will be in full form until the end of the year.
Bazouges la Perouzes - didn't have time to take a photo, but this is taken off the CdB site.  I managed to sell this to the owner of the house with the blue shutters.  How satisfying is that!

Bazouges la Perouze - always hard at work.......

Ducey - not part of Couleurs de Bretagne, but Pierre organises a painting day.  Weather a but up and down, but at least no rain.  I was actually quite pleased with this, and I managed to sell it!

Guemene sur Scorff - rained again.  Yes, the building was at a funny angle.  I probably should have chosen something easier.

La Roche Bernard - Difficult.  So many interruptions.  There must have been  about 100 painters all around me (I exaggerate).  I started off quite alone - then came the invasion.  Runner up.

Quintin - Another dull day.  Should have concentrated on the  blue door - except the owner opened it and left it open!

St Nicholas des Eaux - what an awful day.  It rained and rained.  I have no idea why I chose this subject, except that it was not far from the van!  Pretty awful.

La Roche Derrien - quite pleased about a couple of the elements.  Again I painted in the centre of town.  Managed to get a runner up for this one.

Pontrieux  - How daft, I decided to paint in the middle of town! I actually included more people in the picture than there were in reality.  Dull all day.