It's Wednesday. It seems as though I am slipping a day each week. Still at least the blog is now reasonably up to date! Interesting week. Perry spent a few days sorting out the engine, then we decided to go away for a few days. But on Saturday Perry lost his keys. Spent most of the day looking for them. In the end found with a load of spanners! Left East Cowes on Sunday, filled up with fuel, and set off for Yarmouth. Lovely sunny day.
A race going on at Lymington. Not too much wind, but enough for these boys! |
Doing very well. |
There was even a Westerley Konsort racing amongst this lot. We arrived at Yarmouth at a sensible time - and then things went wrong. Someone asked if they could help us with our lines. Should have said "no". Unfortunately, said "yes" and they proceeded to help us - not! Didn't tie up the lines so we drifted out away from mooring. However, we did manage to sort it, but it didn't look too good. After that put the water on for a cup of tea, and rushed off with Bertie for a pee. Came back started to make the tea, and noticed water all over the floor. Checked it and it was warm.....oooops. Water was rising faster than I could clear it. Eventually Perry did hear my shouts and passed the bucket. Long story short - he had left the water tap on in the heads (on Saturday) and the sink had filled up and overflowed - everywhere! Sorted. Then back on deck he managed to lose his prescription sunglasses in the drink!
We had initially planned to go through the Needles on Monday, but tides weren't right, so we decided to swan about in the Solent. Back into Yarmouth and then wander round taking photos for the oil painting workshop I am going on.
Another view of Yarmouth which I will attempt to paint on Friday. |
Left about 8.00 on Tuesday and buzzed back to East Cowes. All in all a successful outing. Bertie had his hair cut today and now looks like a puppy!