Gosh I really have been bad in keeping this up to date! Back is still not sorted. Appears either to be torn muscle of ligament/tendon. Getting used to the pain - which fortunately has subsided quite a lot, but it is still there. Enough of the moaning. Well not really, weather has been absolutely awful. Went over to mainland to have lunch with Daniel, Catherine and Alice - which was lovely, but weather was still awful! Even the ferry crossing was rough..... Not managing to get any sailing in, but have managed to get in some painting.
my attempt at Highland cattle - think I might have another go later |
wreck of a barn |
Have joined a painting group at the Priory, Carisbrooke. Only been a few times, lovely venue. Hope to be a bit more proactive than I have been of late.
As I write this the rain is crashing down, don't even think we'll be able to manage a dog walk until much later on in the day. Bertie is taking advantage of this bad weather by resting firmly on the sofa. We have been asked by the Royal Victoria Yacht Club to give a talk on our attempt to sail round Britain. Well that will give us something to do over the next few months!