Wednesday, 26 September 2018

My goodness.  I can't believe I haven't posted anything since February.  I think I had better do a quick update.  Well I went to the States in March to see Belinda for a few weeks.  Lots of fun.  Felt like it was only yesterday that I last saw her not 20 years!

May/June  went sailing to the west country.  Although the weather was mixed during the time we were away, it was a good time.  We have agreed we will try and go a little further next year.  After that we went to France for 10 weeks. That was the period when it was incredibly hot, so we just took the van to the coast.   No painting this time.  I felt I just couldn't do watercolour in that heat, and also didn't feel over enthusiastic about painting inland with Colours of Brittany.

Actually I have done virtually no painting for absolutely ages not.  Just haven't felt motivated.  However, tomorrow I will be attending an oil painting workshop, so fingers crossed it will get me restarted. 

Looks as though I will have to make a note in my diary to make sure I update the blog on a regular basis!  Hopefully this weekend we will be sailing over to the mainland to meet Catherine, Daniel and Alice.