Saturday, 30 March 2019

Well it's the end of the month and I know I've been a bit slow updating this blog, but we've had a few things going on.

Firstly had to put some paintings together for the Royal Victoria Yacht Club art exhibition.  I put 9 paintings in, none of which sold - what's new! Here are the ones I put in.

Not to worry.  Three of the pictures I will be taking to Quarry Abbey next week for the Isle of Wight Art Club exhibition.
We also went over to the mainland and had lunch with the family in Burford.  Lots of fun, although Bertie is beginning to find life a bit exhausting.
 I also attended a watercolour workshop which was good, and I think I will attend a long weekend workshop which is due to be run in November.
Managed four "loose" watercolour paintings.

We sailed over to Beaulieu last Thursday.  Although it was a little cold, it was also very sunny which made it all worthwhile.  Had lunch, then sailed back. 
Managed to find some fabric to make some internal back rest cushions which is identical to the berth cushions.  Had to order, and fortunately won't arrive for another week.  So I get a slight reprieve.
Did a little sewing.  Made a T-shirt.
We are now planning for Perry's next quick visit to La Pelouiniere.  Unfortunately the agent we were using has suspended business because of Brexit.  So we are going to have to visit a French agent in the summer!

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Bit late in the day, I know, but have been a little busy. Went to see our grand-daughters.  Lovely time, even though the weather wasn't the best.  I will try and upload a picture now....
All the family at Coggs Farm - weather wasn't too good at all, but Alice seemed to enjoy going on the slide with her new wellies.

Grandad and Alice

Visited Waddeston Manor and bought a bottle of Baron de Rothschild wine - I'm sure he doesn't mind.

Have now finished the oil painting workshop.  Don't think there will be anymore that I can attend until September.

Last weekend we sailed over to Lymington.  Bit misty getting there, but after that weather was really lovely.  Came back on the Sunday.

This weekend the weather is awful, wet and windy.  I may nip up to Osborne house later on today, just for something different.

At the moment I am putting together some pictures for two forthcoming exhibitions.  Watercolour appears to be a disaster though!