Lost count of what day we are in lockdown. The heavy part has now been lifted but we are still unable to travel to mainland, because limited number of ferries. We cannot meet up with Alice and Beatrice because there is a limit to the number that can meet up together and we are not allowed to hug them! Additionally we are not allowed to overnight on the boat. However, we have managed to go down to the boat and had a few picnics. Also managed to sail in the Solent and up and down the Medina. Poor old Bertie has been suffering badly in the very hot weather, so we have had to be very careful.
Poor old boy. |
The boat finally got lifted out at Kingston - it was due to be lifted out just as the lockdown happened. However, Perry has discovered all sorts of problems - rudder shaft, prop and saildrive. So although we can't actually go sailing and overnight anywhere, looks as though time and money will be taken up with repairs!
I managed to do a total of 60 oil sketches, both on paper and board. Stopped now. I have also been out a couple of times with watercolour sketchbook, and that was lovely. Then it got cold! Weather has picked up today, so might go out later with my sketch pad. Even had to resort to doing some sewing in desperation.
Unfortunately I think there may be further problems with this virus, but for the moment let's stay calm.