Monday, 27 January 2025

 Cold wet and windy week again.  Painting has been somewhat limited in terms of progress.  Stilll working at the oil still lifes, although with very mixed results.

Trying to get to grips with this.  Background a very serious problem.

I know, could have taken a better photo.  Anyway, it's a thing I'm still working on.

Our Friday plein air was at Cowes - again cold and windy. I only stayed an hour and did a pen sketch.  Not a very inspiring place when the weather is cold. However, in the afternoon we went down to the boat and had cake and a cup of tea.  Only wish the sun had shined.

I had thought about updating my website, but if I'm honest with myself, I haven't really done any "quality" work for a while now.  Perhaps that's another area I should be working on.

Swimming is still happening. I'm away to Daniels's this coming weekend.  Let's hope the weather is a little more favourable than it has been of late.

Sunday, 19 January 2025

 Again not a lot this week.  Very  cold again.  Workmen here for a few days doing the facia boards, soffits etc.  Swimming a couple of times. In terms of painting and drawing, I think the cold makes it a bit difficult for me to get motivated.  I did do a few bits and pieces but nothing spectacular.  I've been doing a bit more oil painting (from zero that's not a lot), and the gouache is progressing slowly.  Did a paintalong session yesterday, in gouache, which was quite fun and today have been doing a still life in pen, watercolour, gouache, and this afternoon I'll try it again in oil.  But again nothing spectacular. Bit of sun would help.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

 Not a lot this week. It has been bitterly cold.  Didn't even manage to go swimming this week, one day because I had a painful shoulder and the other because a huge traffic jam stopped me getting to Newport.  Went to art group on Tuesday and what could have been a good presentation, turned out to be rubbish because of poor sound quality our end.  Shame.  Didn't go painting on Friday because i) it was very cold and ii) meeting later and in a pub was going to be a bit like a coffee morning, and it would have been a long way to go on the bus for that.  I know.  I'm being a bit miserable.

Done a few gouache and watercolour sketches but nothing significant.  Tried doing what is called Master Studies where I take parts of a good master painting and try to match colour and paint stoke.  Not easy, as I don't have that many books to choose from.

Scaffolding surround the house at the moment for the replacement of facia boards.

Hopefully next week will be a bit better because it was certainly a bit difficult to get up and at it this week, and certainly was on the edge of a bit depressing!

Sunday, 5 January 2025

 Christmas and New Year are over and now we can sort out the next 12 months.  Weather has been absolutely ghastly and generally have ended up doing a lot of reading. We've had strong winds, rain and then it would become freezing cold.  Managed to get in some swimming over the last two weeks, but often the pool was very crowded.  Still, should be ok next week.

Photoshop has been put on hold for the time being because I'm trying to sort out some of the settings on the camera.  Hopefully once I feel ok with that, I will go back to try the software editing of my photos.

I have done quite a few full preparation for paintings, although only moved on an painted a "proper picture" a couple of times.

This was just a prelim study of FollyLane

Two watercolour pictures from studies.  

I think there is progress in working this way and I certainly get to know the subject better.  I don't always carry them through to final painting if I think they don't really stand well as a painting.

Also done some gouache and oil painting but again don't do if the subject is weak.  Continued with gouache studies.

Back to normal next week.  Perry's toes are getting better and I have pulled a muscle in my back!