Friday 25 January 2019

Well, here we go again.  Perry is in France at the moment, so I am in charge of Bertie, who has managed to pull a muscle in his back leg as he was charging for the front door this morning!  Consequently he is feeling very sorry for himself and I am just about to go out painting....

Went on a painting workshop last Friday.  It was really good and I hope I can manage to put some of the information into practice.  Trying a new source for storing pictures, so hopefully this new one will work better......

Nope - that didn't work, so I'll have to work on that.

Had a lovely day with Daniel and Catherine and the babies.  Fancy having two grandaughters.  They are very sweet.  Beatrice is so tiny!

I'll get back to working on the photos after painting this morning.

Wednesday 9 January 2019

Christmas has been and gone, and so has New Year.  We managed to get a sail in on New Year's day.  Went to Yarmouth, motored down there, but managed to sail back.  Yarmouth was full of the grandparents entertaining the grandchildren, while the parents slept off their hangover somewhere.  So not a lot had happened in the last fortnight.  I had really better get on and concentrate on my painting this year - but I always seem to say that.
I did actually take two photos, one of leaving Cowes (which didn't turn out) and one of leaving Yarmouth.  And this is it.  Looks quite lovely doesn't it.

We did have an afternoon out in Sandown, but the weather was overcast and it made everything look very dull and dreary - not a good advert for Sandown.