Thursday, 16 June 2011

and the rest

Baden (Port Blanc)
St Jean Brevelay
Well here are the rest - second prize at St Jean Brevelay.  At Clisson we went to a vineyard (where we also stayed the night, after a little wine tasting).  Didn't win anything, but on signing on got a bottle of wine.  Everyone else appeared to paint the town - no I didn't get it wrong, I think they stayed in town for the restaurants and the festivities which were going on at the same time.  That evening it started to the next set of pictures were done in the rain - I kid you not! I hate painting in the rain....the paper just stays damp.  We're now in Fort Bloque (resting and washing), sun is out, wind is strong (so no surfing) and Bertie just loves going down to the sea.

1 comment:

Alhan said...

Simonne, quel talent ! C'est tout simplement magnifique. C'est pour quand, une expo consacrée uniquement à toi ?
J'ai aussi bien aimé la photo du chien : trop mignon !