Wednesday, 3 August 2011

mid to late July update

 Pontrieux - most of France must have been painting watercolours!
 La Roche Derrien - and it rained again! New umbrella worked, but it was still tough. 3rd place
 Chatelaudren - misty initally, then cleared. 2nd place - Pierre D came first - good.
Binic (below) - very very hot.  Wish I'd just done a drawing instead.  The world was  painting watercolours again!
Here are the latest paintings.  Between venues Bertie managed to fall into the marais, totally coated in green slime.  He had three sessions in the sea which he loved, and we had the most enormous portion of mussels and chips that you have ever seen at Il Grande.  It was enough for four people and cost 16 euros.  We decided we'de better eat it for the whole of the Dodds family.

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