Sunday, 1 December 2013

Well, I've been a real lazy so and so and just not kept the blog up to date.  Since the last post a few things have happened.  The boat is now happily established on its mooring and we (all of us) have been up the river twice, and Perry has actually been out into the Solent.

Bloto in the Sunshine

We went to France for 5 days and took the van down to Baden for the final of the Colours of Brittany.  It was great fun to see the chums again and have a good look at all the paintings in the final.  Quite inspirational in places! The meal was really good as well.
Part of the festivities of the Final.  Daniel G giving his oratory on painting.

Have lost our winter storage for the van, so it has to stay outside until Perry extends the workshop - but that won't be until the summer.

I had an exhibition with four Isle of Wight painting chums.  It was a reasonable success.  Nice gallery space, but I think we could have done a lot better with promoting the show.
This was the picture that went in the paper.  Not bad!
Just a few of my paintings. Put in 11 altogether.

I have managed to get a permanent hanging space in East Cowes for some of my paintings, and have sold three already - thanks Lou!

We went over to the mainland to visit Daniel and Catherine in their new house.  It's very nice - they've chosen well.

We went to see Tosca at Newport, it was transmitted live from the New York Met.  Great!  Following that I went to Southampton yesterday to see it again, but this time with the Welsh National Opera at the Mayflower.
Arriving back home late yesterday evening, what a sight greeted us.  This is the RAF yackt club display.  They come here every year at this time.  How lovely is that?


Anonymous said...

Great to read abpout your 'adventures again'. We are just back from a few days with Clare - went to see David Soames museum which is only onpen by candlelight 1 evening a month. We were unlucky last time we tried to get in they only let 200 in and we were 203/204. It was very weird but very interesting - now will have to go again in the daylight to see what you could not see in the dark. That was the reason for the visit but we also got to go to Dickens House, the National Maritime Museum and the Museum of London, plus 2 shows and tea in the Shard. Anna moved yesterday we got back just in time to help her. So things are back to normal here. All the best

Annie said...

Christmas is nearly here. Clare arrives late tomorrow for 10 days. Anna working on Christmas Day but coming for dinner so wiull have to have it at 4.30 pm. What is Daniels new address I cannot send him a card? Martin is out playing tennis (I think he is doing it daiily over the Christmas period - either that or drinking his beer). Have a great time