Well, I've been a bit idle in keeping this up to date, so thought I had better do something today! Throughout December it felt as though I was continuously eating Christmas meals - lovely, but not too good for the waistline! During December I joined the Womens Institute in East Cowes - nothing like my previous experience. It was really great, and in additon joined their reading group.
Christmas came and went, but New Year's Eve was lots of fun. We were invited to a friend's for dinner with some other friends, and we had the most fabulous food.
We've continued our dancing, and we have now managed to dance once or twice in time with the music - how about that for progress!
The weather through the latter part of December and throughout January has been absolutely awful - flooding, storms etc everywhere. Fortunately, we haven't been troubled here. Perry has been checking on the boat as often as possible. However, we did have some damage to one of our outbuildings in France.
We are now getting ready for our travel from France through Spain to Portugal to see Annie. We will be picking up the Hymer in France in about 10 days time and intend to spend up to a week getting down to Portugal. We are hoping that we will be able to keep the blog going via our "tablet". So fingers crossed that everything works.
1 comment:
Second time I have tried to send a comment - its the words at the end to show I am not a robot that I struggle with. (Am I a robot then I ask myself) I have been checking your blog every week. Glad you are still using it, but no mention of painitng this time what has happened there? Anyway looking forward to seeing you in out little place. We have had work done inside and out and unfortunately, although we should have remembered this, the builder is not to clean a worker - very good though. So we have had to get an extra clean done - but I am really looking forward to seeing what has been done. We arrive on 27th and Martin and friends are clebrating his birthday on 28th. I am sure we will do something for yours when you arrive. Have a good journey down
Annie & Martin
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