what a happy photo - and that's before we tucked in to the food. |
what I get up to with my paintbox, Bertie (my Cavalier King Charles), our motorhome and Perry's surfing.
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Oh the weather has been awful! We are beginning to get ready for Christmas on the boat, but forecast is looking pretty grim. Have been doing a lot of preliminary passage planning for forthcoming trip. Got as far as Caledonian Canal, but still about half to do, and then more detail on top of that. The work and purchase list seems to just get longer and longer. Daniel, Catherine and Jenny came down to see us for a couple of days. Was really pleased to see them, but only wish the weather could have been a bit kinder.
Perry has now got a cold (he thinks), but that's not going to stop us having a jolly Christmas.
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Well, it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted, but unfortunately it's been a period of inactivity, We had been waiting for Perry to go into hospital for the operation on his hand, but every Wednesday for the last three weeks it hs been cancelled, and he has now found out that it won't be happening at all! NHS cutbacks....... So in the meantime we had been delaying doing anything much. Also the weather has been a bit dull and damp, which is non inspiring. So now it looks as though we had better get on and do a few things, and with Christmas in a few days time, must get the boat ready. We are hoping (weather dependant) to spend Christmas on the boat, so need to sort out what we are going to eat!
Monday, 21 November 2016
Hey, I'm flying solo. No supervision. Let's hope I can get the pictures transferred ok. Not much going on this week. Bertie had a haircut - fabulous.
Weather hasn't been too good either. However I went on an oil painting workshop in Newport on Friday. Not too pleased with my effort - looked a bit dull, but the photo from which I was working was a bit dull as well. Perhaps it was a bit too complicated as well.
Look at that for a smart haircut and he got a green bow, which he has now been wearing for almost a week. Looks like Perry won't share his cheese and cracker! Meany.... |
Yep, it still looks dull. |
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
It's Wednesday. It seems as though I am slipping a day each week. Still at least the blog is now reasonably up to date! Interesting week. Perry spent a few days sorting out the engine, then we decided to go away for a few days. But on Saturday Perry lost his keys. Spent most of the day looking for them. In the end found with a load of spanners! Left East Cowes on Sunday, filled up with fuel, and set off for Yarmouth. Lovely sunny day.
There was even a Westerley Konsort racing amongst this lot. We arrived at Yarmouth at a sensible time - and then things went wrong. Someone asked if they could help us with our lines. Should have said "no". Unfortunately, said "yes" and they proceeded to help us - not! Didn't tie up the lines so we drifted out away from mooring. However, we did manage to sort it, but it didn't look too good. After that put the water on for a cup of tea, and rushed off with Bertie for a pee. Came back started to make the tea, and noticed water all over the floor. Checked it and it was warm.....oooops. Water was rising faster than I could clear it. Eventually Perry did hear my shouts and passed the bucket. Long story short - he had left the water tap on in the heads (on Saturday) and the sink had filled up and overflowed - everywhere! Sorted. Then back on deck he managed to lose his prescription sunglasses in the drink!
We had initially planned to go through the Needles on Monday, but tides weren't right, so we decided to swan about in the Solent. Back into Yarmouth and then wander round taking photos for the oil painting workshop I am going on.
Left about 8.00 on Tuesday and buzzed back to East Cowes. All in all a successful outing. Bertie had his hair cut today and now looks like a puppy!
A race going on at Lymington. Not too much wind, but enough for these boys! |
Doing very well. |
We had initially planned to go through the Needles on Monday, but tides weren't right, so we decided to swan about in the Solent. Back into Yarmouth and then wander round taking photos for the oil painting workshop I am going on.
Another view of Yarmouth which I will attempt to paint on Friday. |
Monday, 7 November 2016
I should have posted last week, but we had visitors! Very unusual. Colin and Christine came over from the mainland to visit their grandson and came to visit us as well. Had a great time catching up.
Following our long walk a fortnight ago, Bertie and I visited the ground of Osborne House to take photos of the autumn colours. Hope to do a painting from them. However, more importantly I bought a bike! Have only been out a couple of times on it so far (also weather has changed, and got really cold), but it's a real whizzer....
Have changed saddle, pedals and handlebars, but it was only a second hand bike. Hopefully next blog will have a few more interesting pictures.
Following our long walk a fortnight ago, Bertie and I visited the ground of Osborne House to take photos of the autumn colours. Hope to do a painting from them. However, more importantly I bought a bike! Have only been out a couple of times on it so far (also weather has changed, and got really cold), but it's a real whizzer....
what a sweetie |
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Busy, busy, busy. Weather has been good, but no sailing because Perry is doing some repairs to the "facilities" on Bloto. In the meantime I have finally been doing some painting and some good long dog walks. First up, finished the oil painting workshop. Partly successful, but I could seriously have done better. Subject matter was a bit out of my comfort zone, so therefore I should work harder at it!
In the meantime I started some watercolour studies at home to hopefully help me work with a limited palette and yet have harmony with the colours. Below is the study I have done so far
Tones and colours seemed to work but need to do some more. I also did the same with oil, but with much more limited success. That is definitely a work in progress.
Well he managed the 5k and received a rosette and a certificate. However, he was absolutely ravenous, and fortunately I had some treats for him which he wolfed down. As soon as we got home I had to give him a hearty lunch and then he passed out!
This was just an oil sketch on board. Only took an hour. |
Yarmouth Harbour. Spent most of the time on this. Some bits OK, but on reflection there were a number of areas that could have been improved. |
Tones and colours seemed to work but need to do some more. I also did the same with oil, but with much more limited success. That is definitely a work in progress.
Pretty tricky! |
With his entry bandana round his neck, Bertie staring at hundred of dogs. |
On Sunday Bertie and I went on a sponsored dog walk! Typical, we got there far too early, which meant Bertie got a bit knackered before it started. Had a look round some of the displays, and there was one of dog beds, which he proceeded to try out. I think he wanted to stay there! Event eventually started at 11.00 and there were loads of dogs. Poor boy was totally shocked by it all, he'd never seen so many dogs all in one place. He even gave up barking. He tried being in front most of the time but had to give way in places.
At Island Harbour, the half way point, where refreshment was put out for the dogs. |
Well this is the poor soul after and exhausting day. Never seen so many dogs and never had to walk with so many of them! |
Monday, 17 October 2016
Although I have a lovely new smart laptop, I wasn't expecting my camera to fail. So unfortunately although I have done three paintings (albeit two sketches) I can't put them on the blog until camera is fixed. Perry is away in France at the moment, as he took advantage of an opportunity to get over there and bring his motorbike back. So not sailing at the moment, no pictures to put on the blog, basically a total disaster this week - and on top of that, it's been raining.
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Well only a week since my last post, so this must be a miracle! I didn't do much in the week, but attended part 2 of the oil painting workshop on Thursday. It's getting a bit tough, but must persevere. Carried on with it at Friday's painting session at the Royal Victoria. Arranged to meet up with Dick and Judith at Buckler's Hard on Sunday, so got some bits and pieces ready. Left on Sunday an hour before high water. What a fantastic day and sail we had. A sparkling day, got off Newtown before we turned and headed back to the entrance to the Beaulieu River. Dodgy entrance, but got in any way.
Arrived in Buckler's Hard about two-ish and met Dick and Judith, who fortunately took our line (better than making idiots of ourselves) and had a great afternoon and evening just chinwagging. Very quiet and calm evening, and woke up to sunshine on Monday. Dick and Judith had to clear off home, so we were left on our own until our afternoon departure. Had a few walks with Bertie and then had an extra long one to find out how far up the Beaulieu river the boats were moored. Never got to the end, it just went on and on.
Well after wearing Bertie's feet out, we got ready for the departure. It took half an hour to get to the mouth of the Beaulieu river, and then forty-five minutes to cross the Solent and get to East Cowes - tide was with us all the way. Had supper on the boat, then home. Not sure what's next on the sailing agenda, perhaps I need to rename this blog, as I haven't done any painting. Better work on that!
sailing West towards a huge fleet of boats that appeared to be coming out of Lymington. |
Difficult to quantify the number of boats, but there were hundreds. There appeared to be a race going on. |
As you can see the boats just went on and on..we must have walked a total of 4 miles. |
Looking at some of the moored boats by the marina at Buckler's Hard. |
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
New computer will hopefully make me keep the blog up to date. On a painting workshop in Benbridge but didn't really have good subject material. Fortunately this weekend we had planned a long sailing weekend, so I knew I could at least take some photos. Forecast not good to leave Friday, and Saturday it just rained, so we decided to leave Sunday morning. Left the mooring at 1200, nice and sunny and tide running our way (which makes life so much easier). Buzzed down to Yarmouth. I did actually do a passage plan, which Perry checked and then put a plan on electronic chart plotter. Lots of people in Yarmouth, but got a good mooring. Snooped round the town as usual, and Bertie was quite happy. Monday started off lovely, and we had intended to go over to Lymington, but just as we were sorting things out got a message from Judith about strong winds coming. At the same time Perry was checking out Coastguard forecast and yes, strong winds were forecast for the next few days. So that finished our plans and we checked out of Yarmouth late morning.
Had a reasonable motor sail back to the mooring. Must admit it looked as though everyone had heard the forecast at the same time and we all eager to get home! Tied up about 1.00 ish and finished the voyage with a huge lunch. Cleared up and went home. A bit disappointing because it ended up a much shorter trip than planned, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.
Well here's the boy checking out his new toy and working out the trip home. |
Clouds forming over Yarmouth. |
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Well as usual I am behind with the blog. However I have a whole raft of excuses..... we messed about most of August, having a week in Finistere where it varied between misty, rain and then sun. However, we visited some places we had never been to before which made it interesting. Home for washing etc. then off to the Loire for a week or so. This time it was too hot so we spent most of the time looking for shade and not getting out and about. Hence no photos. When we got back, it was still too hot. Just on 40 degrees, so with a bit of cycling, nothing happened. And here we are back on the Island and have been rushing around ever since.
Bloto was out for a week while Perry worked on the rudder, mast, bottom cleaning and other bits and bobs. Then back in to discover engine problems. Thanks fully not as dramatic as we thought, and was easily fixed. Limited sailing so far as it is now quite gusty - typical after such nice weather.
I, meantime, took Day Skipper Theory course at Girls for Sail, and passed. Booked in for practical at the end of January. We have also visited Southampton Boat Show, where we spent a fortune and met up with chums.
I have a new laptop, and hopefully will bring it with us on forthcoming trips, and when linked into wifi should managed to keep this blog a little more up to date.
Bloto was out for a week while Perry worked on the rudder, mast, bottom cleaning and other bits and bobs. Then back in to discover engine problems. Thanks fully not as dramatic as we thought, and was easily fixed. Limited sailing so far as it is now quite gusty - typical after such nice weather.
I, meantime, took Day Skipper Theory course at Girls for Sail, and passed. Booked in for practical at the end of January. We have also visited Southampton Boat Show, where we spent a fortune and met up with chums.
I have a new laptop, and hopefully will bring it with us on forthcoming trips, and when linked into wifi should managed to keep this blog a little more up to date.
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
OK. Back in East Cowes again. Last visit here was to vote in the Referendum- what exciting results! Yet again I have a memory stick inserted in the computer, so let's see whether I can get any photos out of it about our trip. Still no painting - well I lie. I've done just one, and that was after our trip to Normandy.
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First stop was Deauville. Look - it's twinned with Cowes! How about that. We also checked out the railway station that was in the Agatha Christie film. |
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Casino in Deauville -also used in films! |
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Next place was Honfleur where we stayed a couple of nights (and not just because it was cheap). Lots of boats and lots of locks to check out. Very nice. |
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Next stop Etretat. Yep, just like Monet's paintings. Unfortunately weather wasn't too special, but the town was very clean and very expensive. Only one night here, then headed home again. |
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This is what Bertie does when we get home. I never know how come he never falls off the sofa back! |
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Near Roscoff. White sands, very picturesque. However, decided to spend the night further inland on a campsite because we were worried about the fridge. |
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Had a couple of nights here at Sizun. Awful village, but campsite was really nice, and by a river. |
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Well here I am back in East Cowes and getting ready for voting on Thursday. It has been too difficult to put anything on the blog while in France, so I am hoping with the membory stick stuck in the side of the home computer that I may be able to put in some things of what we've been up to. Spent quite a bit of time getting house ready for the forthcoming sale. Then went away. We started off by having a few days near Cap Frehel. Cold wet and windy. After four days it was a bit more settled. Stayed in a place near to an inlet which completely dried when the tide went out and was just sand and mud!
Went to St Malo on the way back. Long time since we sailed there!
Went back home, got in touch with an Agent to get the sale of the house started. Had to wait in for an Energy Assessor - who didn't turn up! Went off again for a few days, this time to St Jean Le Thomas. Been there before, but it's nice. Wet and windy again!
Then went up to Granville - wet and windy! Not really that exciting.
Went home, and energy man eventually turned up. House is now officially up for sale. Decided to go away again. However, because the weather was still cold, wet and windy, I didn't feel enthusiastic about painting. Thus so far I have done absolutely no painting at all! This time we went to St Jean sur Mayenne, between Mayenne and Laval, which means we didn't travel very far at all. Had a couple of days there, again cold, wet and windy. But for a couple of hours on the second days the sun came out and it was very picturesque.
So not really a lot to report so far. On the return ferry crossing the sun came out half way across, and by the time I got here it was very sunny and warm! Let's hope it stays that way from now on.
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Tide's out! |
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Inner port where we originally stayed. Not as appealing as it was. |
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Entrance to walled city. |
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The two boys enjoying the mild! weather. |
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Lots of beach huts very close to sea and in view of Mont St Michel |
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Huge tides in Granville, only every stayed there once before and didn't like it then either. |
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Along the Mayenne river. |
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Well it's been quite busy, and I am desperately trying to keep the blog up to date. Last Wednesday we managed to sail over to Warsash. First sail there for absolutely ages.
Yarmouth was pretty calm, although a bit on the chilly side, but at least we had sunshine. Left on Tuesday midday (a little early), and the sea was a bit rolly, which meant Bertie had to make us feel really bad while he slept on his pile of ropes again! However, as we were nearing Cowes we had to put a reef in to allow this other chap to pass.......
Forgot to add the fact that I have been painting as well. Different workshop this time, much more textural painting
We are now in the processing of packing the boat up, because we will be off to France next week. Still have one more painting session so hope to complete the blog before we go.
Well that's Warsash sailing club. Small changes, but food was good. |
Hamble river. As usual packed with boats. More so that our side of the world. |
Storm clouds - so decided to clear off and get home. |
Sunday we made the decision to go off to Yarmouth for a couple of day. As you can see Bertie takes a very active part in this decision making process and is a very helpful member of the crew. Those ropes look quite warm. |
Yes he did wake up, and decided to sit with Perry who was about to have a biscuit. |
Tied up in Yarmouth, but Bertie saw another boat which has a dog on it. Couldn't believe it! Just stared! |
Walked to Fort Victoria for a cup of tea and a cake, and where Bertie gets a free sausage. Obviously this is his favourite cafe. |
Where's my supper? |
Still staring at other dogs, until rudely interupted. |
Yarmouth was pretty calm, although a bit on the chilly side, but at least we had sunshine. Left on Tuesday midday (a little early), and the sea was a bit rolly, which meant Bertie had to make us feel really bad while he slept on his pile of ropes again! However, as we were nearing Cowes we had to put a reef in to allow this other chap to pass.......
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You can just see him, it is Ben Ainsley! Pretty impressive stuff! |
Forgot to add the fact that I have been painting as well. Different workshop this time, much more textural painting
I did in fact do two paintings, first one with just fingers, but this one was with fingers and sponge. It is actually a view down the solent from Fort Victoria. |
Another textural painting which I did last week, this time with fingers, sponge, paper and knife. Just in case you are not sure, it is of the Needles, again taken from Fort Victoria. |
We are now in the processing of packing the boat up, because we will be off to France next week. Still have one more painting session so hope to complete the blog before we go.
Monday, 9 May 2016
Oh dear doesn't time fly. April passed a bit quick and here we are in May. The exhibition went fine, but clashed with Anna's daughter's christening. Couldn't do both. Hope she understands. Meantime we have been sailing at every opportunity. We have visited Lymington for a weekend and Gosport for a weekend. Finally made the bit decison that we should venture further afield and get out of the Solent, so last Monday we packed up the boat and off we went. First stop was Yarmouth. Following with an early start next morning. Through Hurst narrows past Hurst Castle and then saw the Needles. It's a bit difficult to take photos from a boat and at a distance, but hope the pictures don't appear too bad.
We carried on into Poole harbour. Had to pass chain ferry (much bigger than the Island one) then on into quite a packed waterway. Went into Salterns Marina and stayed the night there. Nothing going on, apart from huge, and I really mean huge, motorcruisers! Next morning left about 1030 heading back to the Needles. Saw Great |Harry Rocks.
Lovely sail from then on, although Bertie was pretty bored.
Took a photo of Needles from the other tack this side!
We went back into Yarmouth, but left very early next morning to get to Gosport on Thursday as I had a meeting with excolleagues on Friday. Left Gosport on Saturday morning, along with what felt like 10000 other boats! Pretty hairy stuff as entrance to Portsmouth is a bit narrow. Then we went to Buckler's Hard (Beaulieu), to finally meet up with Dick and Judith. Tide against us getting into Beaulieu river and it was nearly 4 miles to get to the Marina. However, all was well meeting them. Left Sunday morning and back to our mooring.
Boat is good and we are now considering where to go next as we have only two weeks left before we go back to France for the summer.
Having got through Hurst narrows, Hurst Castle felt awfully near. |
Next viewing was the Needles. |
Great Harry Rocks from quite a distance. |
Bored Bertie |
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Similar to another photo done earlier - subject never changes! |
Here we are sailing along |
Now it's on our right side going back into the Solent. |
Boat is good and we are now considering where to go next as we have only two weeks left before we go back to France for the summer.
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