New computer will hopefully make me keep the blog up to date. On a painting workshop in Benbridge but didn't really have good subject material. Fortunately this weekend we had planned a long sailing weekend, so I knew I could at least take some photos. Forecast not good to leave Friday, and Saturday it just rained, so we decided to leave Sunday morning. Left the mooring at 1200, nice and sunny and tide running our way (which makes life so much easier). Buzzed down to Yarmouth. I did actually do a passage plan, which Perry checked and then put a plan on electronic chart plotter. Lots of people in Yarmouth, but got a good mooring. Snooped round the town as usual, and Bertie was quite happy. Monday started off lovely, and we had intended to go over to Lymington, but just as we were sorting things out got a message from Judith about strong winds coming. At the same time Perry was checking out Coastguard forecast and yes, strong winds were forecast for the next few days. So that finished our plans and we checked out of Yarmouth late morning.
Well here's the boy checking out his new toy and working out the trip home. |
Clouds forming over Yarmouth. |
Had a reasonable motor sail back to the mooring. Must admit it looked as though everyone had heard the forecast at the same time and we all eager to get home! Tied up about 1.00 ish and finished the voyage with a huge lunch. Cleared up and went home. A bit disappointing because it ended up a much shorter trip than planned, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.
1 comment:
Just read your blogs. Wasn't sure where in the country you were so now I know. We are in Portugal for a bit. Clare is with us but goes home tomorrow night. Have been on a 4 day trip to Sintra. Lovely but very warm and lots of hills. Now it's just relaxing at the villa. Have ordered new floor tiles to be put in this winter as the others are old and we cannot get them clean. Two weeks and we will be back in the uk. Renata, Ann and Bart are coming over to stay 10 Nov. Bart will stay with Anna and Neil the others with us.
Keep well
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