Sunday, 30 April 2017

Day 17, Passage 7 and Day 18

Well we made it - thank goodness! What a long hard journey.  Left Lowestoft at midnight.  I hate night sailing - always have done.  I just kept reading out waypoint data to I didn't have to look into the blackness.  Had a bet on about first signs of false dawn - Perry won, it was 0415.  Very roly poly sea, which was awful in places, and made me feel quite sick.  Also bitterly cold.  Absolutely nothing to see except windfarms.  As we approached the Humber, wind started to pick up a bit (as forecast) and sea got even more roly poly!  Got down to Grimsby Fish Dockland (Meridian Marina inside) but couldn't enter lock for another 90 minutes, so had to wallow about!  Sea was incredibly confused and it was still bitterly cold.  Finally got in and tied up at 1850 - what a long ride.  Whipped Bertie off and he had the longest pee ever, level of marina went up a foot!

It is now Day 18, and we all slept incredibly well.  Sun is out, but it's very windy.  Saw locks gates open on free flow, and there is white water out in that harbour! Marina is part of the old Fish Dockland and although basic is run by Hull Sailing Club.  The main fishdock is used by fishing boats but main by windfarm support vessels.  The club has done a really good job and it is packed here.  Done some washing and Perry is catching up on jobs, while Bertie is catching up on sleep.

They are an incredible bunch of yachtsmen here and manage to do some phenominal miles..... again makes us look like whimps. Going out after lunch to explore the town.  Don't think we'll be moving just yet due to the weather.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a long journey you did in the dark. I didn't really realise it until I read this report a second time. Well you are certainly on the way. We are sitting here in the cloud looking for sun, which comes out now and again. But it might still be warmer than you. Martin reads your daily reports eagerly. Yesterday I didn't get around to trying our wifi , so this morning it was one of the first jobs he gave me to do. Take care and carry on with the expedition!