Monday, 15 May 2017

Day 32, Passage 10 and Day33
Started off really well.  Left Hartlepool at 0800, with very gentle breeze, followed by sunshine.  Left same time as Acid Rain.  Magic sailing.   And the wind was in the right direcction!  It picked up a bit and we were absolutely romping aling - then it died for a short while.
sailing alongside Acid Rain

Northumberland coastline
However, when the wind returned it was from the wrong direction and it had picked up in strength.  By the time we reached Amble it was blowing a F4/F5.  The only interesting features en route where when we were almost here - beaches and countryside looked lovely, as well as Coquet Island.
Coquet Island
Perry reckons he saw a puffin (apparently there are puffins here) and a couple of seals.  When we arrived in the mina, tied up, then after tea went for a lk round the very small town.  Very quant and very clean! Lots of civic pride here, which has been missing in many of the other places we've visited.

Day 33
Dawn was calm
Dawn at Amble marina

but now it is wet and windy.  We will be going into town later on to buy a pie.  Two butchers here and their speciality is pies!  Yum, yum just what Bertie and I are looking forward to.  Weather forecast indicates that we may be here for a couple of days.  Still I think I can survive on pies for a while.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well bet they are good pies. Got a message from Perry about Amble castle, but Martin thinks it was Alnwick castle we went to for the mediaeval meal. It's so long ago I can't remember. Anyway enjoy your enforced break, hope it's not for too long. At least you now. have a cruising companion boat.