Thursday, 11 October 2018

OK. We're off again.  Weather has been good, but this evening it has finally broken and it is pouring!  Sailed to Yarmouth on Sunday and took advantage of the harbour's short stay deal.  Lovely and sunny.
Bertie as usual is enthusiastic about yet another sail!

At Yarmouth mill - look at that reflection!

As the weather was still good on Monday we went to try and find Thorness Bay.  Unsuccessful, so ended up in Newtown.
Newtown - from the shore side
Wednesday, Berte and I went to Whippingham.  Long walk, thought he would be exhausted.  Gave him a drink, and then sat down to do sketching.  No such luck, he then proceeded to wrap his lead totally around the bench I was on, causing total chaos!  Thanks Bertie.
Whippingham - still it was a nice view.....
Today I finally managed to finish my oil painting of lighthouse.  Just about OK.  But at least it's a start to painting again.
Oil painting - Needles lighthouse.
I have been practicing with my oil pastels and have started to produce something not just a scribble.  I will keep working at that in the hope it all gets me inspired to paint again.

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