Bit behind at the moment. Went to see the babies last weekend. Lovely. Should have taken a photo because I am enrolled on another of Lee's oil painting courses and the subject is children. Unfortunately the weather was dull and pretty cold so didn't manage to take any photos. So I will have to work with what I've got. I am also enrolled on a watercolour painting day in the Cotswolds, but that is not until end of Feb, but in the meantime had to make reservations etc.
Also went to Meryel's birthday party - which was lovely. And I'm still suffering a little from my cough and cold, and the weather has been miserable...etc.etc. etc.
Meryel and I are still putting together things for our exhibition in April. I have to display 16 pics. Although I do have a few more than that ready (well not in frames yet), I think I will use the next few weeks to try and paint some more that I would feel happier displaying.
Had a spend out at Italian Touch yesterday, because it's my birthday in a few days time!
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