Wednesday, 24 February 2021

 Fortnight after last post, not a lot has happened.  Government has given us a roadmap out of lockdown.  So fingers crossed all goes to plan.  Have continued sketching and practising with watercolours, which has occupied part of the day.  We went out on boat on Sunday to recalibrate the fluxgate compass.  Unfortunately Perry didn't turn the calibration button on so we didn't manage that, but will try again next weekend.  It was nice to go out on the boat even though it was a very dull day.  I the river, the boats looked seriously beaten up by the winter rains. Sad.  Lovely sunny day yesterday, so we had tea and cake on the boat, oops sorry, maintenance of the boat.  That's the only thing you are allowed to do at the moment. However, very gusty.  Roll on spring.

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