Thursday, 14 September 2023

 Well I've even got things to publish this week.  The IWAC painting last Tuesday was at Fort Victoria.  Not too much light, but at least it was reasonably warm.  Quite a number of people turned up, so the finish up tea and cake was quite jolly.  Tried oils again.  Think there is a little progress.

Wednesday was the first of our regular visits to the Priory at Carrisbrooke.  The weather was lovely, so we painted outside.  Watercolour this time, because with oil there is a bit too much to carry.  Had a fight with my tripod - goodness know why, but the tripod won.  Checked it out when I got home, and can't for the life of me see what the problem was!

Thursday was swimming and then Friday we set sail to Lymington.  No wind, and it was incredibly hot.  Put the awning up which although it shaded us, it offered no protection from the heat.  Henry was very uncomfortable.  I did manage a couple of sketches

The sketch on the left is Mr Berthon's house, and the other is of the moorings.  We were certainly packed in.  Members of East Cowes sailing club turned up for their rally and it was nice seeing people we knew.  Dick and Judith came on Sunday (in the rain!) and we had fun with them.  Even Henry got to liaise with their cat Nelson.  We left on Monday and had a good sail back.

Tuesday IWAC painting was at Mottistone, and Mike and I painted the tea room gardens. Weather not as hot as it has been, but at least it was dry, just!

Watercolour and pen.

Yesterday back at the Priory.  Dull and overcast, so no painting outside.  Did a watercolour doodle.

Now back to trying oils again....

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