Sunday, 24 December 2023

 After much messing about with images and folders I think I might have got resizing sorted.  Let's hope so.

Monday's outdoor painting was at Freshwater Bay.  Wind moderate but as the tide came in, it really felt quite cold.

Hey, it worked.  Got the image in.  I touched up the surf with a bit of gouache.

Also did a couple of mess about sketches


same idea but in gouache.

I finished off the oil pastel I was working on.  Some bits ok some not!

Had lunch on Tuesday with my swimming chums.  Don't think they are going to continue, but I am, because I like a lane to myself.

Lunch on Wednesday at the Priory after painting.  That was fun too, but I really shouldn't have eaten that chocolate cake.  But at least I went swimming on Thursday to burn some of it off.

The boys winter coats finally arrived, but  it was a bit of a squeeze getting Henry's big belly into it.  He is now on a diet! I've also increased his  (and mine) walking distance.

Couple of bits of really good news.  Perry won a £50 voucher to spend at the chandlers.  That was in the draw at the Marina.  I won a bottle of wine at the art club last Tuesday and to top everything, I sold a painting which was on display at Madvik, East Cowes.  So ending on a positive note.

If anyone besides Perry reads this, then have a really good Christmas and bear in mind 2024 is going to be a majical and fantastic year.

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