Sunday, 28 January 2024

 I'm sure my laptop has a mind of its own.  As soon as I say I must do this in a hurry - nothing works!  I might have trouble uploading a couple of pictures, but if this is the case, I will work on them for next week.  Plein air painting on Monday was at Gurnard.  Cold and windy as expected but at least it was dry.

OK, so I got the photo in, but don't seem to be able to shrink it.  That will make a difference when I try and transfer any pictures onto the website.

I also managed to do an ink and wash drawing that I've been meaning to do for ages.

This is the picture I don't seem to be able to shink.  However, I will work on it.  I'm generally quite pleased with this.  Took a while, but that's ok.

Have been working on another watercolour, which so far hasn't really been working out.  Have to add a couple of things/try a couple of things, and see if that improves it.  

We're away tomorrow for five days, going to Lincolnshire.  Weather looks as though it might be chilly, but no rain forecast.  Will try and get some sketches in.

Sunday, 21 January 2024

 Wow, another week of really really cold.  |However managed to get out on Monday for our Plein Air painting/sketching.  Went to Harvey Brown's in Arreton.  At least we had sunshine this time! Made all the different and the cake and coffee we good.  Good turnout, Elise, Mike, Pam and Patsy. 

I did do another one, but I am happy with this sketch because it's light and airy, as a sketch should be.  

Have managed to sort out some of my paintings file on the laptop.  Deleted quite a few, but managed to sort and put the rest in some sort of organised space.  Amazing for me.  Let's see if I can keep it up.

Finished the watercolour painting of Parkhurst Forest - OK with that as well.

As you can see, I did two and yes they are different.  I prefer the second one, and that's the one going on my website.

Looks as though we (that is Mike and I) may have a venue for Open Studios this summer.  Have to check out times etc.  I could be held at MADVIK in East Cowes.

Also have done some guoache practice and lots of drawing practice, with the aim of a full picture (I hope).

Swimming progressing ok.  Henry appears to have been a little depressed of late, but had a long exciting walk with him yesterday and now he's fine.  I think maybe he's just realise that Muffin is here to stay!  Muffin received a clean bill of health on Tuesday (at vast expense).  So all is good.

Sunday, 14 January 2024

 Again really very very cold.  Looks like this weather is in to stay for a bit.  Still messing about with photos, learning all the time. When you move an image, the origianl stays in the original file.  No wonder I have about 6 million photos all with similar titles.  Job for today, try and sort it!

Monday saw us painting out in the freezing cold at the Causeway.  Fortunately we all brought a flask and were having our first warm drink after an hour.  I don't think we could have managed much more, but we followed the hour's painting with cake at the End of the Line in Freshwater. Pam was a bit late for the painting, but Mike, Elise and I all managed something.

I am not sure I really like this way of doing sketches and will probably not buy another book like this (oops jusst remembered I have one in the stash!), but the paper is good.

Working on some larger paintings at home.

I am in the process of doing another one of Parkhurst as I feel it could do with a better centre of interest.  However, it's nice to be using more paint!

Followed a paintalong which was supposed to be in gouache, but as I have only a few colours I mixed it was some watercolour as well.  Felt a bit out of control.

Looks like we will definitely have one or two dates to exhibit at Quarr in 2025, but still waiting to hear if we have any cancellations for this year.

Swimming is still progrressingk albeit slowly.  Generally feeling slightly more motivated than the last 18/24 months.  Let's hope that continues.

Sunday, 7 January 2024

 My goodness it's cold today, and it looks as though we are likely to have a week of this.  On a positive note, at least it's not raining.

Monday's plein air was at the Lifeboat Pub, here in East Cowes.  Difficult one to get enthusiastic about, especially as it was a little on the dull side.

Just quick sketches from the veranda.

I finished the oil pastel, and decided one of the oil pastel sets I have just had to go.  It isn't smooth and leaves lots of bits.  So into the discard it's gone.

That inspired me to have a look at some of the art supplies I've acquired..... and I cleared out a few things I am just not going to use and don't like.

I started a watercolour painting, and had a problem getting it just the way I wanted it.  After the third attempt I think I've done it.

I'm going to call it Woodland Walk, Mottistone and stare at it for a few days to see if I'm happy with it.  If I am, then I will put it on my website.

Have also done a bit of red chalk, or Conte drawing, which I like.

Will be starting the gouache course soon, but in the meantime have to prepare some bits and bobs for a paintalong next Friday.

For swimming on Tuesday, I had a lane to myself.  Wonderful, and I think I made a bit more progress.  I don't particularly like swimming, but feel I should continue.

Perry has continued working on the boat.  Found a leak, and sorted that.  Appears it was due to stanchion base coming loose.  He's also managed to get in a couple of bike rides, although both times came back absolutely drenched.

Muffin is getting along ok with Henry, although he often doesn't like going out for a morning walk - probably because it's been raining.

Think tomorrow's painting may be a bit of a problem as the forecast is so cold.  Let's wait and see.