Wow, another week of really really cold. |However managed to get out on Monday for our Plein Air painting/sketching. Went to Harvey Brown's in Arreton. At least we had sunshine this time! Made all the different and the cake and coffee we good. Good turnout, Elise, Mike, Pam and Patsy.
I did do another one, but I am happy with this sketch because it's light and airy, as a sketch should be.
Have managed to sort out some of my paintings file on the laptop. Deleted quite a few, but managed to sort and put the rest in some sort of organised space. Amazing for me. Let's see if I can keep it up.
Finished the watercolour painting of Parkhurst Forest - OK with that as well.
As you can see, I did two and yes they are different. I prefer the second one, and that's the one going on my website.Looks as though we (that is Mike and I) may have a venue for Open Studios this summer. Have to check out times etc. I could be held at MADVIK in East Cowes.
Also have done some guoache practice and lots of drawing practice, with the aim of a full picture (I hope).
Swimming progressing ok. Henry appears to have been a little depressed of late, but had a long exciting walk with him yesterday and now he's fine. I think maybe he's just realise that Muffin is here to stay! Muffin received a clean bill of health on Tuesday (at vast expense). So all is good.
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