Weather bitterly cold again! Difficult to take a walk with Henry. Poor boy. Swam 100 lengths this week (over 3 days!).
Plein air this Friday was at East Cowes and followed by coffee in my favourite Artisan cafe. We only did an hour because it was very cold and in addition, it rained so that I got spots of water on my painting.
Tried another "challenge" this week, working right through from Notan sketch to final painting. The procedure was fine, but the final watercolour painting was not too good. However, I did repeat the painting in gouache and oil.
This shows part of the preparation work.
Here is the oil painting version. This is the third challenge I've done and it does make my think a bit harder when I am painting.
Additionally Perry has printed off loads of our landscape photos into very small format and I am working my way through them painting small gouache studies. Done 8 so far.
Perry's toes are still swollen and his foot hurts quite a bit. Looks like it will take a while to heal properly.
Using paint shop pro hasn't been much of a success for me so far. I'm too lazy and get distracted. However, we have been watching Jack Reacher on prime video. Much easier than PSP. Christmas in a couple of days, so merry Christmas to everyone. If you are reading this Chris C, I have been late in sending out my cards this year, but will send you an email asap. xx
1 comment:
Have just spotted my moment of fame. Stinkily hot in Perth (February weather in January); not sure whether I'd prefer that or your bitter cold. Hope Perry's toe recovers, and please keep up your swimming. Chris C
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