Sunday 5 May 2024

 Last week we met at Mottistone for our plein  air session.  Cold and damp as usual.  This week, which in fact is our final winter plein air meeting, we met at Newtown Creek.  Surprise, surprise, it was cold and damp.
I sat with Mike, and after an hour we went to the old town hall where we had agreed to have coffee and cake,  Unfortunately the others carried on painting, and we had to get back.  However, we did eat a lot of cake.  Next week will be outdoor painting with the IWAC.  Not sure how much I will do because we are hoping to get away on the boat.  Unfortunately, Muffin has had a couple of episodes where he collapsed (over excitement), so we will have to be quite careful of what we do.

I did managed to complete the whole of PleinAirPril.  I did do all the pictures in guoache.  Not my favourite medium, but I have learnt a lot.  I am now continuing the challenge into the "100" daily paintings.  They don't all have to be completed outside - thank goodness! Anyway, so far so good.  I will continue with gouache for the time being as I feel I have made some progress, but once we are away I will work with watercolour.

I did manage to finish an oil sketch, in the style I have been trying to develop.  Still a lot of work is needed in this form, but I did feel as though I had finally got something.

As a small group we have managed to secure an exhibition at the end of October for two weeks, at the Priory. I am happy to steward all the six days, because I can use the time to pretend I am on a painting retreat, and just paint.

Weather has been much warmer and sunnier, but still getting overcast days and rain.  We are hoping to get away this coming weekend, but we willl just have to see weatherwise.  However, we are gradually getting the boat ready.

Blog will only continue if I can get a good WiFi signal.

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