Sunday 23 June 2024

 Latest update.  Following the very wet week in May we had a couple of  really nice days during which we started to get the boat ready for our holiday.  Dogs had to get their hair cut, me too, get in enough dog supplies.  etc. etc. Well off we went.  First night in Yarmouth. Very nice then off the next day at quite a civilised time, crossing Weyouth Bay to Portland.  Weather still ok, just, but starting to get a bit cold in the evenings as the wind was coming from the North.  Five days in Portland then off crossing Lyme Bay to Dartmouth.  Again a sensible departure time.  The boys started to get a bit fed up after about 8 hours, and we still have two to go.

Arrived in Dartmouth and took advantage of their visitors long stay deal.  Then it really started to get cold - and so it continued for the next fortnight, with the odd warm afternoon.  Quite windy as well.  Decided not to press on further as we were not sure how Muffin would get on once we weren't attached to a pontoon.

After two weeks, found a decent weather window and went back across Lyme Bay.  Had just over a week in Portland.  Again very cold in the evenings, and warm afternoons.  Met up with Dick and Judith for a couple of days.  Then another good weather window and we headed off to Lymington.  Had a really good trip.  Ended up staying a week in Lymington, and the weather just about started to perk up a bit, even though the evenings were still a bit cool.

Next step, Bucklers Hard where we spend three nights.  Finally the weather was good.  Had a lovely time and the return journey was great.  Since then the weather has been warm.  We are going to stay at home for a couple of weeks a we've got things to do, and then after the election, hopefully go off out again.  Maybe days out, maybe a bit longer.  Who knows.

I've managed to sketch every day.  As I am trying a 100 day plein air sketching challenge, I have had motivation to get out and do something.  Although some, in fact, quite a lot, of the sketches are pretty rubbishy.  However, I am now on number 82.  Will update the blog, hopefully, next week with some photos and paintings.

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